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Announced in August 2017년 8월에 발표된 Galaxy Note8을 회수된 Galaxy Note7의 후속 모델입니다. Note8은 대중이 구매할 수 있도록 2017년 9월에 공개되었습니다.

149 질문 전체 보기

Is there any way to make the back clear?

Is there any way to make the back glass clear without dismantling the back glass and scratching the paint off?

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Sometimes the better answer is instead of making the case clear make it like it was!

Get a skin which is a photograph of the insides! dbrand - Teardown

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bro, they don’t have it for Note 8. I would buy it, if they had.

There are a few others that do this too! If not are you a good photographer? carefully pop the back off and using a good light stand and macro camera take a few pics, then clean the up with an app. There is printable photo grade paper for stickers that way you could make your own. You might be able to get dbrand to make it for you (they do custom jobs)

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