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1925 질문 전체 보기

huawei y9 prime blank screen after lcd repair

i recently dropped my Huawei Y9 prime 2019 phone and the screen cracked and I couldn’t use it so I took it in for repairs ,it’s been 3 days now and every time I turn my phone on, press the power button or put in the charger it will light up a black screen but no image appears not even the HUAWEI logo, should I send it back to the repair shop or is the anything I can do to fix it on my on ,I have tried with the restart option of pressing the power button and volume button simultaneously but still no luck

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Decode the screen Y9 Huawei

I have this problem too, how did you resolve it @nthabiseng1

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Hi @nthabiseng1 ,

You could try shining a torch at an angle close to the screen when the phone is on to check if you can detect any images at all. They will be very faint if they are there, so trying this in a darkened room may help to see them if they are there or not

If you can see images on the screen, then there is a backlight problem but since you have recently had it professionally repaired take it back to where you got it repaired and show them the problem. Most reputable repairers give some sort of guarantee on their workmanship.

Don’t open the phone yourself to try and find out what the problem is and then take it back to the repairer, as this will allow them to say that you caused the problem and that they’re not responsible anymore.

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Not sure but this may help you


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لم يتم شحن الهاتف بالكامل

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