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Receiver has no power!

Lost power and won't turn for no apparent reason (no power outage). Have tried pressing and holding the “Standby/ON” button simultaneously with each of the buttons on the front (Band, Advanced Surround, Auto Surround, <-Preset) but nothing happens. Looking to try more and open it up, check/replace fuse if needed but not sure where to start! Any help appreciated!!

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Hi @audionewbie ,

Here’s the No Power troubleshooting flowchart, taken from the service manual for the receiver. Be patient when you go to download the manual as it takes a little while to go from processing to download, after you have passed the security test and then clicked on Go to Download, below the document box.

Like all good manuals, it has dis-assembly instructions, full schematics and a parts list.

Hopefully this will help you to find the problem

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

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Great thanks!

Looks like I need to check voltage across multiple sites...any tips for what instrument exactly I should use?

Thank you!!


Any DMM (digital multimeter (supplier example only] should do as you are testing for voltages that are within the range of most. Get one that has a user manual if you don't know how to use one.

There is the safety aspect to consider as you will be testing for DC voltages being produced by the AC supply to the receiver which is exposed and therefore could be hazardous even lethal if you don't know what you're doing or don't stay focused on what you're doing. Also try not to "bridge" any connections, test points etc with the meter's test probe as you could cause more damage. "Live" testing is what is needed after you've proved that the fuse is OK by using the DMM's Ohmmeter function with no power connected to the receiver

I have vsx 824 pioneer I want to know how can I set my sub woofer .can you till me what settings can I do.pls I need response for this

@Jess Semana

Here's the manual for the receiver.

It shows how to connect the sub woofer (see p.17) and the settings (see p.53 onwards) as well as a lot more general information about how to set up the receiver for optimum listening etc.

Be aware that the manual is for 2 models VSX-1029 as well as VSX-824 so make sure you look at the correct instructions.

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