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New battery works about as well as the old one, it seems

My old battery wasn’t holding a charge. I’d leave the machine asleep in the corner and it’d be dead by the next day. So, I bought a new battery and replaced it. I calibrated the new battery per the enclosed instructions, but now the percentage is dropping as quickly as it was before. I am sure that I did not reinstall the older battery….. Do I have deeper problem or did I screw up somewhere else or is the new battery a dud by chance?

Thanks much for the help.

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Let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

I would do both batteries so you can do a side by side comparison, both while plugged in and the battery is under charge at around 60% charged.

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Improvement you gain via battery replacement is also depending on the current hardware and software conditions.

If there is an update in OS, it can help as well as worsen the battery drain issue.

Further if there is any leakage path or short circuit in the main board, the battery drains very fast and you will not gain any advantage by making changes in battery.

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@v3nuo - More likely something running in background is running the battery down (Virus, Malware or Spyware).

If Patrick put in a M.2 SSD that will be the only hardware issue that can explain this as these SSD upgrades don't offer the needed signaling to enable sleep as they don't offer the circuitry.

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