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Repair guides and disassembly information for Asus Republic of Gamers G751 laptops released from late 2014 to early 2016. Related model numbers: G751JL, G751J, G751JM, G751JT, and G751JY.

29 질문 전체 보기

Safe? New Laptop Battery (or Maybe the Bag) Smells

Background: Removed replacement battery from its bag. At first, the battery smelled sort-of-grassy/toxic-chemically. When installing it, the battery smelled more like new plastic/rubber or something.

A few hours later, I can’t detect either smell from the installed battery, even when close up. The inside of the (closed) battery bag still smells like sort-of-grass/toxic-chemicals.

Problem: Is this safe/normal? The battery doesn’t seem to smell now, but the bag’s inside still does. I don’t think that either smell was sweet/acetone-like.

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You should be safe. By the sounds of it that odor was coming from the bag, not the battery. If you get a rubbing alcohol or burnt skittles like odor that’s when you should start to worry.

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Alright, thank you! I wasn't sure how literal the descriptions of acetone and sweet smells were. Neither smell matches your descriptions, I'd say. The bag's inside is still "mildewy factory floor" or something strange. The battery maybe slightly smells like "new plastic", or perhaps industrial lubricant, though it's more likely that the smell's from disassembling/reassembling the laptop itself.

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