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2.26 또는 2.4 GHz / 흰색 플라스틱 유니바디 인클로저

645 질문 전체 보기

Pressure applied to keyboard cuts power after reassembly

Hello. I needed to get my wife’s old late 2009 MacBook A1342 working to press it into service for homeschooling. It had a faulty trackpad, which I replaced. While I had it open it clean it out as it was full of crud and dust. After reassembly, the keyboard doesn't work properly, and pressure applied downwards on it cuts the power. Have I reassembled it wrongly? Is something shorting it out?

Other than this it works normally, powers on, trackpad works etc etc. Just no way to log in as the keyboard doesn’t work, and it can cut the power randomly.

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Given the systems age I do question the batteries health, to get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

OK, will do this as soon as I have an OS installed!

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가장 유용한 답변

Review your logic board connections

Reference: MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Logic Board Replacement

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Logic board connections all seem fine - the Mac works in every other respect. I have narrowed it down to only certain keys causing the power to cut off, they're in a sort of column on the right hand side of the UK key board, although they don't do it 100% of the time, more like 90%, so it's not constant.

Right CMD - ? - ; - O - 0

Also, almost no keys actually type, so login in, and lots of other basic operations can't be done without an external keyboard.

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