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더 커진 Samsung의 주력 핸드폰. 2018년 3월 출시.

130 질문 전체 보기

Can I get replacement for the earspeaker?

Hello, the earspeaker on my phone is with a lot of noise, and the volume is so small now.

It was like this for more than a year, and I actually recieved a treatment from you when I replaced my screen glass and frame last time. It became a bit better at the moment, but now its quite worse.(It has been more than a year.)

If I get the part from online and bring it, can you fix it for me? If so, I wonder how much would you charge. Thanks!

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ifixit does not do repairs.

This forum is so that people can give advice on how to repair the device yourself, hence the name i-fix-it, or what to do if you can’t.

Here’s the ifixit Samsung Galaxy S9+ guides that will help you to open the phone so that access to the ear piece receiver is possible.

Replacement receivers are available online. Just search for Galaxy S9+ earpiece receiver to get results for suppliers.

Here’s a link to the ifixit Samsung Galaxy S9 Earpiece Speaker Replacement guide that may also help as it will be very similar to the S9+.

If doing this yourself seems too daunting, contact a reputable, professional mobile phone repair service and ask for a quote

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