Non functional Bose Revolve

Hi there,

My Bose Revolve no longer functions due to the last drop, upon dissaembly I have found on the motherboard ( bottom circuit board that there is a chip/crack on one of the fuse's, I am assuming it is a fuse). I am quite certain that it is the source for a non functional device.

Would any one be able to confirm my assumption?

I have pondered as if it was the origin of the issue, that a simple dab of glue or silicone would seal the broken part, thus creating ground and would giveth life?

I have not scoured the net as of yet but would anyone have a an idea of where to find a working motherboard for purchase?

Block Image

Thank you.

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Have you got a DMM (digital multimeter)?

The component only has two connections so try measuring the component using the DMM's Ohmmeter function and check if it has continuity.

I don't think that it is a fuse I think it is an inductor but I may be wrong.

In any event if it is either an inductor or a fuse it will have continuity between the two connections of the component if it is OK.

The difference is that an inductor will have some resistance value, small as it may be whereas the fuse should test short circuit i.e. 0.00 Ohms if it is OK

That being said you cannot replace an inductor with a fuse as the properties of an inductor (reactance i.e. AC resistance, varies with frequency of voltage passing through it) would be required in that part of the circuit.

Perhaps @salmonjapan may recognize it ;-)

that is an inductor, 4R7

Thank you for shedding some light on the matter.

I shall check tomorrow with my digital meter.

Please forgive me, would the crack on the inductor cause a malfunction?

Hi Josey,

It is just the protective housing for the inductor and should not cause the malfunction. I would take out the circuit board and look for damage on the other side as well. Furthermore, the dislodged part of the housing of that inductor could have caused a short circuit among other components (if metal alloy), so it is best to test all around not just near the inductor.

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