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2.26 또는 2.4 GHz / 흰색 플라스틱 유니바디 인클로저

645 질문 전체 보기

White screen and lines moving display and no commands on booting.

I bought a used MacBook off of eBay and when I turned it on, it went to a white screen (another issue which I assume is because there is no hard drive, but it doesn’t respond when I try to go into recovery, safe mode, or when I try to change what Drive is booting.

The display on the laptop turns on initially with lines throughout but they fade away and all I am left with is a white screen. When hooked up to an external monitor and running a Linux usb, the display has lines that move from the bottom to the top of the external display. I’m assuming there is a motherboard issue, but any guidance would be appreciated!

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Sadly, this series doesn’t offer Internet recovery and as the drive is missing the recovery partition is MIA!! You’ll need to use another Mac system to create a bootable USB thumb drive with the OS installer with macOS Sierra 10.12.x which is the highest I would go with How to get old versions of macOS and follow this guide How to create a bootable macOS Sierra installer drive

Even still it does sound like you have a bad logic board and will need to get it repaired or replaced as well.

This is starting to add up cost wise! This system is quite limited! You can go upto 8 GB of RAM but the SATA port for your HD is limited to SATA II (3.0 Gb/s) so your drive options are limited! Most drives available today are fixed speed SATA III (6.0 Gb/s) which won’t work reliably in your system. You will need an auto sense drive or a fixed speed SATA II drive.

So it may not be worth the costs given its limitations. If this is for someone to write or do simple web browsing or email then this would likely be OK. It won’t handle heavy graphics like online gaming or heavy photo or video editing.

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Thank you for the answer! I was actually able to get the computer up and running with a spare hard drive and ram I had from an old laptop (I'm writing this from the computer). I removed the logic board and put it back in and that fixed the external display somehow. The screen is still having issues. I notice when I bend it in the top left corner the display shows and is responsive, so I believe it to be a bad data/display cable, and I plan on replacing that. Thanks for the help!

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