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The Xbox One X (Model 1787) is Microsoft's high-powered game console, succeeding the Xbox One S. The Xbox One X was released on November 7th, 2017.

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What Part is this?

Hello I am a everyone, I just wanted to ask what part is this for the xbox one x. I have been taking xbox ones apart for a long time now including the newest one, the xbox one series X. I am not a big tech guy when it comes to motherboards but I just want to ask, what part is this. I will display photos. That is the part that I broke off, or it just came off I think idk. Is this a important part or not? If it is a important part please tell me in detail what it is and what it is used for. The reason for this is, I make custom gaming systems for a living, and clean my systems out once every 6 months. And that black piece came off after I was done cleaning the console.

Please let me know sorry for a long paragraph.

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Looks like a screw post.

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So is it a important part?, well anything on a mother board is important but could I live with out it?

Check if one of the screw on the bottom of the board screws into it. If it is just a screw post, it's not important electronically.

Just see if the damage tears anything inside the board.

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