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3MB 공유 L3 캐시 2.5 GHz 듀얼-코어 Intel Core i5 프로세서 (Turbo Boost 최대 3.1 GHz).

266 질문 전체 보기

New display but still nothing on screen

I replaced the screen on my laptop because it wasn’t working, but the replacement screen isn’t working either.

The computer will run in clamshell mode, but I’ed really like to be able to use it as intended.

Is there another part that could be the problem? Not sure how to go about further diagnosis.

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Let’s do some checking! Using a flashlight aimed through the Apple logo in the lid (a poor mans backlight) are you able to see the faint image of your desktop and its icons? If you do the issue is the backlight logic on the logic board not the display its self.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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That worked! So, now the question is what do I do now? Replacing the logic board sounds like a major job.

Not that drastic! Your logic board needs repairs not replacement.

Where are you in this big blue marble? Country and nearest city, maybe we can aim you to someone.

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Ian Jackson 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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