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Repair and disassembly guides for Uniden phones.

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Incoming call goes directly to fax

I have a Uniden TRU 8885 cordless phone & answering machine. Incoming calls go briefly to my greeting message and then to my fax. People can’t leave a message.

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Hi @niners49 ,

Check that the Record Time setting for the Answer machine is not set to Announce only.

There are 3 message record time options available, 1 minute, 4 minutes and announce only. Announce only answers the call but prevents the caller from leaving a message.

To get to the Answer machine setup menu, with the handset in standby mode i.e. phone not in use, press Menu, then use the Vol Up/Down keys to scroll to Answ Setup. and press OK

When in the Answ. Setup sub menus scroll down to Record Time and press OK. Scroll to select either 1 minute or 4 minutes and press OK. You will hear a confirmation message.

Press the back key in each menu until you have exited the menus.

Here’s the user manual for the phone which may help.

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Hi @jayeff: Thanks for your feedback, but I already did what you suggested and that’s not the problem. Any other ideas?


Has the answering machine worked OK before with the setup you have in place i.e. the phone and the fax machine on the same line if this is the case?

If the fax machine is sharing the same phone line as the telephone then it may be interfering with the call if it is an incoming call as the fax machine will want to answer it too.

Have you tried disconnecting the fax machine and check if the phone's answering machine function now works OK?

If it does what is the make and model number of the fax machine

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