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2.26 또는 2.4 GHz / 흰색 플라스틱 유니바디 인클로저

645 질문 전체 보기

Broken fan socket off the board/ how much glue?

Hello, I accidentally broke it while changing the thermal paste. I tried to test if the fan was still working while I was holding everything down with my finger on the exact location and it was fine (hurrah for me.) I did read that you could try to glue it back on the forum but there was no extra information.

My questions are:

1) Can I use any kind of glue or does it have to be of a specific brand?

2) How much exactly can I apply? I am quite clumsy with glue. If you see my picture, I put a dot in color. Can I expand over it a little bit over that area, to make sure it is going to hold on tight?

Block Image

Thank your for your answers and have a lovely indoor repairing week-end!

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I wouldn’t use glue to fix that. I would have a skilled micro soldering tech fix it properly.

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laura t 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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