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Repair and disassembly information for Samsung's flagship S20 Android smartphone, released in March of 2020.

50 질문 전체 보기

Can I get a professional to fix my charging port?

I've called a few places now, and they all say it can't be fixed because it's sodered in. But the guide on this site shows how to remove the whole daughterboard. I don't want to take the risk myself, since I could easily screw it up and end up with an even more broken phone. Right now, I can charge it with the wireless charger, so it's not desperate, but I'd like to find a way to fix it properly.

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Hi @nezeltha ,

Replacing the daughterboard is the safer option (easier and possibly cheaper as well) rather than unsoldering a USB-C connector and soldering in a new one. The daughterboard has to be removed anyway so that there is good access to the connector.

Given the cost of a replacement board (supplier example only to show cost) it’s understandable why board replacement is the preferred option.

Unlike micro USB 2.0 connectors which have only 5 pins, USB-C connectors have 24 pins which makes it that much harder to replace.

Here’s a link to the iFixit Repair Pros listing. The professional repairers who are shown have all agreed to abide by the Repair technician’s creed. Enter your location in the search repair pros search box to hopefully find a repairer close to you that you can contact

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Is there a way to find local people in the repair pros listing?


Did you type your location i.e. city or town will do, in the search box on the repair pros page as suggested?

If none show up then you may just have to search online for repairers in your location and check their reviews as to whether they're any good or not.

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