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MacBook Air 11"의 2015년 3월 업데이트는 5 세대 Intel Core i5 및 i7 프로세서를 장착하고 배터리 성능이 약간 향상되었습니다.

142 질문 전체 보기

Trackpad Issue Continuing after Battery Replacement

Hello. I have searched these forums about this problem, but so far haven’t found a solution. Awhile ago my 2015 MacBook Air 11” trackpad started acting erratically. It would work (sort of) for a few minutes after opening the device, but then would just get stuck. An external mouse does work.

I was convinced it was a swollen battery, so I ordered a new battery from iFixit and replaced it. However, the problem continues. I have tried all of the typical SMC/PRAM/NVRAM resets, tried to dislodge any debris with a piece of paper or plastic, and tried applying pressure to the trackpad. It does seem like maybe the back half of it could be physically stuck somehow.

Anyway, is the best move to do a trackpad replacement? The battery replacement was the first computer repair I’d ever done. Will a trackpad replacement be something I can handle? Is it possible that I could inspect the trackpad and adjust something before going ahead and buying the trackpad?

I am a newbie at this, so any help you can offer me would be much appreciated!

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Its not overly hard, but a bit more work than what you did with the battery. Here’s the guide MacBook Air 11" Early 2015 Trackpad Replacement and here’s the part MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2013-Early 2015) Trackpad

Just be careful with the cables and the connectors. Review the guides carefully, they don’t require much to unlatch the connector cable clamps.

MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2013-Early 2015) Trackpad 이미지


MacBook Air 11" (Mid 2013-Early 2015) Trackpad


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