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2009년 3월에 소개된 The Mac Pro (Early 2009)는 Intel Nehalem 아키텍처를 Apple의 전문가용 데스크탑 라인에 도입하였으며 미묘하게 재설계된 내부는 2010 및 2012 CPU 업데이트를 통해 소개되었습니다.

203 질문 전체 보기

Mouse pointer begins to lag while using the computer often

I have a Mac Pro (mid 2012) Xeon Westmere 6 core dual processor with 64 GB of RAM and ATI GTX 680 GPU with macOS Mojave 10.14

The problem is that the mouse pointer begins to lag while using the computer often

The important things that I have also using an Avid HDX card in my Mac Pro

Please can you provide some help?

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What is your boot drive and how much free space?

Is this a wireless mouse? If either please try changing mice to rule the subjects down.

kingston 256 gb ssd 173.5 gb available

@atomintheworld i have magic mouse also i tried wired mice

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I‘m sure your system is running out of resources! Audio production can be quite taxing on your system. Your SSD is on small side for larger projects.

I would review your drive setup, making sure your boot drive SSD (hopefully larger - 1 TB) is using a SATA III (6.0 Gb/s) port board (and is a SATA III drive) and Avid HDX board directly from the North Bridge chip PCIe slots not via the PCIe switch slots. This SSD needs hold your running OS, primary Apps and a least 1/3 unused for your OS and App’s to use for virtual RAM, caching & scratch space. Only your current work should be on this drive.

Block Image

Use the South Bridge chips SATA ports for your loose apps you rarely use, and anything else.

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