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모델 A1419 / Late 2013 / 3.2 & 3.4 GHz Core i5 또는 3.5 GHz Core i7 프로세서, ID iMac14,2

342 질문 전체 보기

Lines on monitor will not boot up

27” iMac 2013

Lines on monitor will not boot up. Apple said I need a video card how do you replace it,

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I would first try hooking up an external monitor to help isolate the issue to either the display or the logic board.

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Lines on the screen are often a bad display or T-CON board within the display assembly. Did you bang or drop your system? If you have you may need a new display.

GPU issues

This series does not offer replaceable GPU board’s, it uses a soldered on GPU chip on the logic board. You can see it here on Step 6 iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 Teardown

You will need a new logic board or you’ll need to see if someone with the deeper skills can fix your logic board. Here’s the guide iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 Logic Board Replacement

Here’s your logic board options:

  • 3.2GHz i5 QC, GT 755M 1GB, Apple P/N 661-7516
  • 3.4GHz i5 QC, GTX 775M 2GB, Apple P/N 661-7517
  • 3.4GHz i5 QC, GTX 780M 4GB, Apple P/N 661-7518
  • 3.5GHz i7 QC, GTX 775M 2GB, Apple P/N 661-8123
  • 3.5GHz i7 QC, GTX 780M 4GB, Apple P/N 661-8124
iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 이미지


iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 Teardown



iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 Logic Board 이미지


iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 Logic Board Replacement



1 hour

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