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Kenmore is a popular appliance brand commonly sold by Sears, but Sears does not manufacture any of the appliances themselves. Instead, they source that out and have other manufacturers make their appliances for them. Kenmore refrigerators are made by a variety of different manufacturers including LG, Electrolux, GE, and Whirlpool.

136 질문 전체 보기

795.74015.411. Quit getting cold during heat spell. Filter lights are

I have model 795.74015.411. Quit getting cold during heat spell. Filter lights are on. Do I need to change water filter if none is hooked up ? Can air filter be off for a day or 2 while getting new one?

Should I unplug and reply?

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Don’t know the refrigerator, but I think that the filter lights are referring to the air filter, part #631c - case parts diagram

According to p.24 of the owner manual it should be changed when the lights turn on or every 6 months. (see image below)

Try resetting the air filter as shown in the image (or manual) and see if that works until you get a new air filter

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing).

The supplier in the link was only to show the location of the part and what it may cost. There are other suppliers online that may suit you better. Just search for 79574015411 parts to get results

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