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645 질문 전체 보기

silence when I reboot into High Sierra

Have the same problem on a 2010 white plastic macbook running high sierra.

Nothing I found on line worked. Then one day I booted it from a Linux Ubuntu install USB stick and the sound worked fine all the whie that OS was booted so mine is not a hardware problem.

It went back to silence when I rebooted into High Sierra. Does that tell anyone here what needs to be fixed on mine? thanks djc

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Did you try a smc reset

Once a day for weeks

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Apple killed the startup Chime on you! Here’s more on it How to resurrect your Mac’s startup chime

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Chime always worked but no sounds afterward.

Lets clarify things your issue is not the startup chime, its your lack of sound after boot (no music, podcasts or videos) is that correct??

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djcopely 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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