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모델 A1312 / Mid 2010 / 3.2 GHz Core i3 또는 2.8 & 3.6 GHz Core i5 또는 2.93 GHz Core i7, ID iMac11,3

383 질문 전체 보기

Capacitator missing on GPU. Is that a problem?

Hi there,

i bought a new (i.e. used) Radeon HD 5750 for my 27” mid 2010 iMac. When I inspected the new card, i noticed a missing part, one of those rectangular things surrounding the GPU. I think it’s a capacitor:

Block Image

Is this a problem? Will the card work normally? Should I return it?

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@bubo return it. If there are already missing components you really don’t know what else is going on with it. Remember that there are no schematics available for this you would have to do a bit of experimenting to even try to replace them.

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That's what I thought, too. But these cards are hard to get (for a reasonable price, at least).

I'll return it.

Thank You :)

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