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모델 A1419 / Late 2013 / 3.2 & 3.4 GHz Core i5 또는 3.5 GHz Core i7 프로세서, ID iMac14,2

342 질문 전체 보기

My screen constantly flickers non stop

My screen just flickers and doesn’t change after shutdown and restart. The external screen is operating as it should. Is this possibly a cable coming loose or logic board replacement?

I appreciate any assistance of resolution.

Update (08/18/2021)

Let me know if this is not viewable?

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Probably about to die sooner rather than later...

Can you post a short video from your iPhone so we can see what's happening as that might clue us in on what needs repair or replacement. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

There's two directions, either the backlight logic or cable is messed up or the T-CON logic which is on the back of the display assembly is messed up. Seeing the video should help us understand which.

@danj Thanks for your assistance, very helpful. I posted a video of the issue above on the post for your review for further diagnostic? Let me know what you think and we can go from there? Do you offer any break fix services for this machine?

Again, many thanks.

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@Kwin - Sorry I lost track of your problem ;-{

Sadly it does look like your T-CON board on the back side of the display assembly has failed. If you remember back in the day when we had CRT based TV’s if you messed with the horizontal setting you would see the image of the display roll like yours, once you play the video slowly! This is the same problem you are facing as the horizontal lock is not working!

Time for a new display assembly: 27” iMac Display Assembly, Apple P/N 661-7169 and here’s the guide to put it in iMac Intel 27" EMC 2639 Display Replacement Make sure you get the full kit iMac Intel 27" (2012-2019) Adhesive Strips so you get the needed tool and I would get a second set of tapes just in case! Lastly, you’ll want a pile of these (4 will do) Plastic Cards

Plastic Cards 이미지


Plastic Cards


iMac Intel 27" (2012-2019) Adhesive Strips 이미지


iMac Intel 27" (2012-2019) Adhesive Strips


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