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The IdeaPad 110-15ACL is a 15.6-inch laptop with a 1 TB hard drive and 8 GB of working memory. The laptop is designed as an office laptop from the low-cost sector.

2 질문 전체 보기

Screen reads battery not detected

I put in a new battery in ,it charges fine but my screen reads no battery detected

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Hi @plv1948

Try uninstalling the battery in Device Manager and then restart the laptop and let Windows “find” it again and then see if that works.

To get to Device Manager, press the Win key + x key (both together) and click on Device Manager > expand Batteries
right click Microsoft ACPI-Compliant battery > Uninstall and follow the prompts.

If this works, allow the battery to fully charge and then create a battery report to check the status of the battery. Compare the Design Capacity value versus the Full Charge capacity value. For a good battery they should be nearty the same.

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