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A 2-in-1 convertible laptop released by HP in August of 2017. It can be identified by model number 1KS75UA.

2 질문 전체 보기

Diode blown and need help to select the perfect replacement


My laptop is a Hp envy x360 15m-bp111dx. It suddenly stopped working after I plugged it to charge for a while, it doesn’t start up nor even show the yellow/white charging indicator when plugged in, more like it doesn’t take in electricity anymore. I took it to a technician who then told me that a diode on the mother board blew and it will need to be replaced. Below is the picture of the diode

Block Image

On it is written PJ747KEXF

I have searched for this particular diode to buy but I didn’t find it, I guess it is scarce. Now the problem is getting the right diode that can replace this one. I think they usually have current ratings and I don’t know what it is for this particular diode. Your suggestions and answers will be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!!

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@oldturkey03 I’m sure you can help me with this. Thanks

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@olarotimi the marking PJxxxxx is commonly used by NXR and in this case it looks like a series BZB84 diode. Lets see if we can narrow it down further

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Okay Sir, whatever it is I hope we’ll be able to solve this problem. By the way, I’m just a student and I don’t understand much of this tech stuffs

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