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How to isolate the damaged keyboard?


Unfortunately my MacBook’s built-in keyboard has been damaged and some keys are malfunctioning. I can’t replace it soon so I should continue to use the Mac until I done my works.

If I use a USB Keyboard to work with my Mac, during boot or in macOS, damaged built-in keyboard will be isolated and won’t damage my MacBook or macOS?

Thank you

Damage was not by water, I was replaced it before but it seems was not genuine.

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As long as you don’t need any of the startup key options you can use the external keyboard. As far as further damage thats hard to say as you implied there was something spilled other than water. Any liquid can cause corrosion damage its not just water. So that would be a factor on further damage.

Replacing the uppercase assembly (keyboard is part of it) is still a bit of work and the plastic tends to be brittle so parts can break in the process of the repair quite easily. MacBook Unibody Model A1342 Upper Case Replacement and the parts availability and costs then become an issue as they are hard to find MacBook Unibody (A1342) Upper Case, Apple P/N 661-5396

So consider the cost and effort to replace it Vs looking at a newer system which you can migrate your apps and stuff to as maybe a better direction. A used 2011 13” MacBook Pro might be a good choice.

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2012 13" is better, or the 2015 15" rMBP if you can swing the cost. I love my 2014 15", but god that screen is sticker shock if you aren't ready.

2012=Cheap, reasonable parts cost, 2015=$$$ LCD (but really good color reproduction due to LG so amazing quality for photo work), nonstandard SSD (but drives are available, but you aren't buying one at Best Buy).

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