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Budget 15" laptop series released by HP.

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Wont power on HP 15z cw100


I'm working on an HP 15z-cw100 and I've taken it apart and replaced the battery as well as the adapter both with brand new ones. The laptop still does not power on. I was thinking about cmos battery but I don't even see one on this board. The laptop battery died and shut off and the computer since wouldnt turn on. Was wondering if anyone experienced this before? I'm thinking the mother board may have went bad or at least the part on the board where the power plugs in.

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Hi @drivel2787 ,

If the laptop gives no indication when power is being connected to it from the charger, use an Ohmmeter to check if the power connector cable is OK from the jack to the cable plug that plugs into the motherboard.

Here’s the maintenance and service guide for the laptop. Go to p.64 to view the necessary pre-requisite steps and then the procedure to remove the power connector cable.

Initially you don’t have to remove it, just disconnect it to test it.

Sometimes the centre pin breaks internally in the socket which open circuits the +ve leg of the power circuit.

If the power connector cable is faulty, the supplier above is an example only. Other suppliers are available online. Search online using to part number only i.e. 810327-006 to find suppliers that suit you best.

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Just for kicks and giggles I replaced the power connector and the cable to the mother board. So at this point I tried a completely new battery and AC adapter. I also ordered a brand new laptop power supply that came today, installed it, there is NO light when plugging in an adapter. It will not turn on when I tried CMOS reset (does this thing even have a CMOS battery? I don't see one)? I tried the CMOS reset, I've tried with the battery out and AC plugged in, I have tried with only the battery in, with the battery and AC in ,there is absolutely no power. Also the power indicator where the AC adapter plugs into the power supply has no light indicator on the side of the laptop case....

I have a bad feeling this is mother board related or something else? Any ideas?


What is the motherboard's board number as printed on the motherboard itself e.g. DAG7BJMBC0 REV:C or something similar etc?

You may have to try and find the schematics for the board and use them to find out what's wrong.

I'll check out what the board number is.... I may end up ordering a used working board...


rev:c model:g7bj


I can't find a schematic online (free or otherwise) so you may have to get a replacement. Sorry I can't be of more help.

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I have seen a previous one yesterday, I ended up taking out the memory and giving it 30 secs before reseating. I tried it and it powered up. I think it could be static build-up that I’ve seen mentioned else where as the memory was well seated.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I tried this as well, no go. Even tried completely different ram. The board literally has ZERO power. There is not even a power indicator light when the charger is hooked up and that's with a new power port installed that I ordered. Same case. I think the board is shot to be honest. Interesting part is it's only like 2 years old. But doesn't surprise me when it's HP.

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It was mother board I sold as is

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