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Im wanting to remove my Oil pan

Not sure but working in a 2008 Suzuki xl7 . What is the procedure looks like its going to be a job

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I'm unable to find anything for that year, but for the 2005 and 2006, everything im says n g says you're going to need to either drop the axle out of the way, pull the motor, or at the very least jack it up a little, undo motor mounts, jack up more, use timbers across the engine compartment and chains to support the engine, then remove starter. From what I've been seeing on forums this isn't something the average DIYer should tackle. Apparently it's a bear of a project

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Here’s the Engine section of the service manual for a 2007 Suzuki XL-7 that may help.

Go to p.1E-8 to view the procedure to remove the oil pan.

The service manual for a 2008-2009 Suzuki XL-7 doesn’t show anything about removing the oil pan.

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