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2020년 3월에 출시된 인텔 프로세서가 탑재된 MacBook Air 모델 A2179의 2020년 리프레시 수리 및 분해 정보입니다.

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logic board swap from i5 to i7


I bought my MacBook Air after it was released with i5 CPU 8GB RAM and 256 SSD after month its was working really bad. I was sending system from service to service but Apple refused to repair it (I was fighting with them whole year).

Now I need to change whole logic board and I found i7 CPU 16 GB RAM and 256 SSD for good money.

Is it possible to swap?

Thanks for help in advance

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Yes its possible….

BUT!! The TouchID button that was married to that logic board needs to be swapped out as well. And the previous owner needed to have removed the system from their iCloud account, so you can link it to your iCloud account.

Make sure you can return the part if its not clean as it won’t help you. Systems which grew legs often find them selves broken up for parts and the buyer isn’t the wiser of its history and ends up on the loosing end.

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