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Repair guides and disassembly information for the Samsung Galaxy A51 Android smartphone. Released in January of 2020.

103 질문 전체 보기

Buzzer / multimedia speaker wont work after fall.

Hi everyone.

I have a problem with a Samsung A41 (couldn’t find this device in the list). I’ve bought a broken cell with a cracked screen and the seller wrote that the buzzer stopped working after the fall. I thought it’ll be an easy fix, but %#*@ I was mistaken.

The buzzer itself works 100% (I’ve checked it on my power supply and to be sure I’ve checked 3 others from Samsung A50 and A40 (looks quite the same to me).

Next I’ve bought new main flex cable, in pair with new usb charging board. After the switch the speaker remains silent. It won’t work in the system, it wont work in the service menu. The earphone speaker works, the headphones works.

I’ve even checked the Voltage of the buzzer pins on the usb board - after You try to play anything the multimeter shows around 0.8-0.12 V… so it looks like it should work, right?

I’ve even tried to gently lift the pins on the board, just to be sure and still no success.

Anyone here have any tips to fix this?

I will be much appreciated.


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Sorry for bumping my question, but guys - seriously, no one has any idea what’s wrong with this phone?

I really have to swap the whole motherboard to fix it?

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Hi @thadeus ,

I don’t know the answer but looking at the schematics, the loudspeaker connects to a different IC to the vibrator motor.

You may be able to interpret if there is a common problem or two individual problems by using the images below.

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

(click on images to enlarge).

Hopefully this is of some help.

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