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2020년 3월에 출시된 인텔 프로세서가 탑재된 MacBook Air 모델 A2179의 2020년 리프레시 수리 및 분해 정보입니다.

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Help w/ Keycaps Fallen Off

Hi! I wanted to convert my MacBook Air to a Colemak layout so I started by popping off the N key to start and tried putting them back in my I am struggling a lot with the top hooks on the keycaps. Nothing was broken and snapped (to my eye). The key still fits back on and works like normal but it doesn’t pop up like the other ones and just stays flat. If possible, I want to fix it myself and not bring it to the apple stores because I am quite busy and booking and waiting is just a pain.

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The new M1 systems I believe are still using the older keyboard the rest of the retina series uses as such here’s a video on how to install them Apple Retina Display Macbook Pro Laptop Keyboard Key Video Installation Guide

I’m suspecting you snapped the small fragile hooks on the keycap so the scissor action is not working properly. Sadly, you’ll need a new key cap if the hooks are damaged.

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