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Xbox One controller was introduced in 2016 with the launch of the Xbox One S and adds Bluetooth support for Windows 10/11. This controller fixes many of the design flaws found on the Model 1537/1697 controllers and is much more reliable. This controller has been replaced with the improved Model 1914 controller.

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How to take off Bumpers?

i have the model 1708 is there anyway to replace the bumpers?

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Well, not to sound like a dick, but you could actually try the search function on the website here, or go to the repair guides section and look around the, i dont know, XBOX AREA, i bet there's something there for ya. ..

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bumpers section isn't there for the model :)

I know, but a little critical thinking would lead one the the conclusion that disassembly would PROBABLY be the same as, say.... Well the image for the trigger replacement one seems to have no bumpers,... And if one were to go past the big pictures and scroll, they would notice an alphabetical listing of repair guides... Which includes "bumper panel"

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