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Repair guides and disassembly information for the 16-inch MacBook Pro released in October of 2021, featuring Apple-designed M1 Pro and M1 Max SoCs. Model A2485.

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Can flash storage on MacBook Pro 2021 16" M1 max be upgraded?

If I buy one with 1TB, can I later upgrade to 4TB?

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Sadly, its not technically upgradable. Review the iFixit teardown 2021 MacBook Pro Teardown: A Glimpse at a Better Timeline

The flash chips are soldered to the logic board and would require someone with very deep skills to properly remove the chips and then locate the needed replacements (if that is even possible, Apple might have locked in on the supply) and then solder them on. There is a huge risk here as the act of removing the chips could damage the logic board and if not done properly it may appear to work but over time the soldering job fails! Lastly the cost would be prohibitive as well.

Bottom line: Buy the biggest SSD drive model you can afford and forget about upgrading this system internally.

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You would also need to reconfigure the RAM straps which would require the schematics. Maybe Apple will release them through there public repair program.

@imicrosoldering - Looking at images of the different logic boards I've been able to deduce the enable lines for the different RAM chip configs. I don't think thats an issue within the Flash chips used here.

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