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The Respironics BiPaP Vision is a respiratory ventilator (breathing assistance device) created by Respironics / Philips. Included is a mobile stand, various ventilator pieces that connect to the main device system, and a remote alarm. (Model Number: 582059)

1 질문 전체 보기

Can it be used for CPAP

Can it be used for CPAP.

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Tomasz Kosierkiewicz  no you cannot. The pressures delivered through BiPAP are different since it requires two separate pressures(IPAP and EPAP), whereas a CPAP does not have those and you cannot turn that off. If you feel your BiPAP is not working for you talk to your HCP for a different approach. Also, check your Respironics model number and make sure it is NOT involved in the recent recall. Check on here https://philipsrecalls.com/ Do not use it until you are sure that it is safe. Again, contact your HCP for assistance with this.

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we legally can not give advice for medical equipment

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