HP H3W58AA teardown without any scratches or cracks

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Hello everyone,

I’m not good at repairing something without any problems many times, so I think it’s better to ask you professionals how to dismember HP Multimedia 2.0 Model U218, PN H3W58AA, thanks in advance.

By the way, yes I checked all those label and soft tapes under the speakers if they had any screws but no, unfortunately there’s no screws.

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If there are no screws anywhere, even hidden under a label or something, then from what I can see in the pic they most likely snap together. You can try taking a small flat tip screwdriver and see if you can work it into that seam visible between the top and bottom halves. You can actually use the screwdriver to carefully see if the top or bottom is to the outside, and work it around gently to find the clips holding it.

The screws are also sometimes hidden under the foam feet.

Well, thank you so much gentlemen for your time to write me, @brandon_k I actually tried a little bit before writing there but the speakers surfaces hold each other really strong, probably there are some snaps in it, I'm going to try again.

@andrewsawesome I checked, wish they're under foams or label but nope.

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