IC audio / sound in my Razer blade 15laptop
pelase help me
i got electricity problem in my house.. hit my audio jack input. My razer became no sound ( speaker and headphone)..
can u show me how to replace IC sound / ic audio ..
좋은 질문입니까?
Hi Den Revo,
Does anything show up in the Device Manager for the Sound controller ? Does everything else work? Windows boot-up etc.
Why do you think the IC needs replacing?
This came up in a search:
It may help?
mike 의
thanks mike..
the software is normal and i've already update all drivers
but i still can't hear anythng from my speaker or earphone..
sadly.. i bring my laptop to local service ,, and he told about IC problem ..
then it must be replace to the new one..
i will try the link
thanks for helping me mike
Den Revo 의