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모델 A1502 / 2.4, 2.6 또는 2.8 GHz 듀얼-코어 Intel 프로세서 / 2013년 10월 출시

552 질문 전체 보기

MacBook Pro late 2013 wifi no hardware installed

Hello, I got a late 2013 MacBook pro, A1502 emc2678, that works almost perfect but it says WIFI: no hardware installed. I looked inside and saw that the coax connector was torn off on the airport card so I replaced that but even after replacing the card it stills has that same error. I don’t know if the cables are damaged as well or if the logic board is.

Here is a link to the images of the mac: https://imgur.com/a/fccIbiV

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Can you post some pics so we can see the damage 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

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I do see a bit of tarnish on the contacts that should be cleaned. Find a fresh (still soft) pink pencil eraser. Carefully wipe the contacts in the direction of the pins, then wipe down the surface with a damp lintless cloth with 90% or better isopropyl alcohol (reagent quality) see if they helps. otherwise I think you need a new AirPort board.

I don’t see anything wrong with the cables did the connector pop off? If it did you might have a short or not a good connection.

MacBook Pro 13" and 15" Retina (Late 2013-Mid 2014) Airport/Bluetooth Board and the guide MacBook Pro 13" Retina Display Late 2013 AirPort Board Replacement

MacBook Pro 13" and 15" Retina (Late 2013-Mid 2014) Airport/Bluetooth Board 이미지


MacBook Pro 13" and 15" Retina (Late 2013-Mid 2014) Airport/Bluetooth Board


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