Why is my monitor not working?
Hi I just have a quick question when I turn on my pc the monitor won’t turn on I check the hdmi of the monitor and tight it it’s still not working.
좋은 질문입니까?
Hi I just have a quick question when I turn on my pc the monitor won’t turn on I check the hdmi of the monitor and tight it it’s still not working.
좋은 질문입니까?
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전체 시간: 78
More information is needed to help you.
Is the monitor powered on and does it have a message on the screen e.g. "no signal" or something similar?
Can you view the monitor's menu screens OK?
have you tried another monitor e.g. TV?
What is the make and model number of the PC motherboard?
Make and model of CPU?
Does the PC have a GPU card or are you using integrated video?
is the PC booting up OK?
What else have you checked?
jayeff 의