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power adapter all plugged in but it’s not working?

Hi I’ve connected the T95 max

Box into the tv from the box and the power adapter all plugged in but it’s not working? No led display but remote is fine and lighting when I press it. Any ideas anyone. Samantha

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Hi, my transpeed 6k tv box is stuck on booting please what should I do. Thanks

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Hi @ sami.jayne,

If there is no led display on the T95, use a DMM (digital multimeter - voltmeter function) to check if the power adapter’s voltage output is OK.

As best that I can determine the voltage / current output for a power adapter for a T95 box is +5V DC / 2A (2000mA). It should be stamped on the adapter itself.

If it is OK and if the T95 is new out of the box, contact the seller as there is a problem in the box.

What is the “brand” name of the T95 Android box that you have?

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am currently facing similar issue with my newly purchased T95 android tv box.

On getting home, I plugged the device and it came up, after about 30 minutes I switched it of through the remote control. 20 minutes later I tried to power it but it refused to power.

Please I really needed advice on what to do.


Is the power LED on?

If not,have you checked that the power outlet that the T95 is connected to is working?

If it is on, disconnect the device from the power supply and wait for about 5 minutes. Hopefully if it was a glitch then it may reset itself with no power connected.

After the time has elapsed, reconnect power to the device , let it initialize before attempting to turn it on with the remote.

If still no good, as it is new, contact the seller about a warranty repair, replacement or refund.


Thanks for your suggestions/options. I have tried all that but still not powering on. Guess I might have to contact the seller as suggested.

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