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A2115 / 2019 / 프로세서 3.0GHz 6코어 i5부터 최대 3.6GHz 8코어 i9까지. 2019년 3월 19일 출시.

133 질문 전체 보기

OWC Aura Pro X2 Support with BootCamp

I would like to by this SSD upgrade kit, but in some places in Internet there are information about it does not support BootCamp at 19.1 iMac models. I need to know exactly, if it will work or not? I am planning to split ssd by 2 partitions and use MACOS and Windows on it.

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As far as I know OWC support for BootCamp is limited to the older version SSD’s

As you can see here Aura Pro X2 SSDs: Boot Camp Compatibility

FYI - M.2 SSD support is not present on any adapter or drive.

That leaves you to running a VM instead of BootCamp which is what I setup for some of my customers (VMware Fusion or Parallels Desktop) which works!

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