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645 질문 전체 보기

My batteri wont charge

I m trying to fix this old Macbook, I got. I have an MacBook 2012 aswell, and have two chargers, both are working with the 2012 so they shouldnt be the problem.

I bought a new battery to the mid 2010, and everything works perfectly, but the new batteri wont charge. But I can run the computer with one charger in it, that works great.
I have tried to reset the SMC, both with remove the batteri and hold down powerbutton for 10 sec, and left shift, ctrl, alt for 7 seconds and the power button for another 7 sec.
Which one is the correct way for my Computer? But none helps.
Is there anything else I can do?
Its an old drive in it so Im gonna change to SSD, and also change RAM, could that help someway? Newer OS?

Update (02/23/2022)

Block Image

Ok, this is the image.
So I bought a new battery, when i came it only had 10% battericharge, when I was gonna check coconutbattery again now, my daughter(there for the destktopimage :) ) had used the computer without a charger. The charger has a green lightning but the computer didnt start at all. I saw a youtube movie earlier where they schratched the keyboardcontact? and this worked, but the fan went realy high. However I was able to take this picture.

But now I have the startproblem to deal with aswell….

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Have you checked coconutbattery to see what it’s saying about the battery?

No, I dont even know what it is. But I will check it out, thanks. Took for granted though that there was a new battery that i should work.

Let’s get a better view of things, install this gem of an app! CoconutBattery take a snapshot of the apps main window and post it here for us to see 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

So what Im looking at. :)

Everything seems good to me.

macOS Battery status good

Loadcycles 1

Age 275 days..


Charging with 0 Watts

Power adapter Connected

@Mr Magoo - Can you post the image so we can see it too!

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Sorry you’ve got a bad battery the micro-controller within it has failed.

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Oh.. do you see that on the image? Or how do I see that?

Do you think I can reclaim the battery and get another one?

Or what can I do with the battery now?.. just throw it?

Your capture shows NaN and other blank data! Where there should be data.

I would contact the seller and try to get a replacement.

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