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2014년 9월 19일에 출시된 이 4.7” 스크린 iPhone은 iPhone 6 Plus의 작은 버전입니다. 모델 번호 A1549, A1586 및 A1589로 식별됩니다.

4994 질문 전체 보기

Ifixit doesn’t ship to my India, which battery do you recomend?

So I can’t buy Ifixit battery’s from India, which aftermarket battery do you recommend?

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Ganesh Athreya it'll be difficult to get a truly objective answer to your question. I suggest that you check around. Buy from a vendor that has a good reputation amongst its customers, has good customer service and return policy. Do not just rely on online comments but actually go ahead and call their customer service line. See what response you get. Most companies are not out to rip you off or sell you bad products.

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The ones on Amazon look like a scam and only have one or two reviews

@Ganesh Athreya Amazon and eBay two of my least favorite places for any batteries.

@oldturkey03 I've bought batteries on eBay but only for phones like S6 Edge+ old phones. They're fine, but they don't last long most of the time.

If you want to get a few more months out of an old phone, buy them there. If you intend to use it for a while, those batteries are a bad choice.

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