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Repair Guides for HP Desktops.

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Front and rear usb ports not working.

its an hp pro 3330mt desktop pc. mouse lights up but the pc doesnt detect it at all. im using a ps2 mouse and keyboard atm. Usb ports in the back look fine tho.

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Have the USB ports worked OK before?

If not have you checked the USB security setting in BIOS to make sure that they're enabled? On startup get into BIOS by pressing F2 before the PC boots into Windows then go to Security > USB security.

Can other USB devices be detected OK e.g. mobile phone, portable USB HDD?

If so there may be a problem with the USB controller in the mouse or a problem with the mouse cable e.g. open circuit data wires.

If not, what is the status of the desktop's USB controllers as shown in Device Manager?

If Win 10 is installed, press the Win key + x key (both together) and click on the Device Manager link.

When in Device Manager, scroll down to Universal Serial Bus Controllers and check if there is a red cross or a yellow exclamation mark next to a controller entry.

If a red cross right click on the entry and click on enable.

If a yellow exclamation mark, right click on the entry and click on Update drivers and follow the prompts. You need to be online for this to work.

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