Headset automatically turns off

I can switch on the headset and it will work fine for about 2 minutes and then it beeps 3 times and starts flashing green.

My headset is up to date, the ghub is up to date, and the headset is well charged.

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Hi @thiccc_ice

How long does it take to fully charge the battery again if you charge it immediately after it beeps 3 times etc and then turns off?

@jayeff The headset does not die after the beeps and flashing, it just turns off. When I turn the headset off and on again it will go through the same issue of 2 minutes fine and then the 3 beeps and green flashes. I have not timed the charging, but it seems to be normal.


I was just wondering if the battery is failing as the manual states that a tone is heard when low battery levels are reached.

It may be that the battery is failing to hold its charge.

How old is the headset? Even rechargeable batteries have a lifespan.

@jayeff I understand what you mean now. The tone that is being given is not the same as the usual dying tone. The headset is pretty old now, I'd say around a year. When I turn it on it says that it is currently at 97% and that was off a fresh charge from about 9:30.


1 year is not really that old for a battery but .....

Does it do this if you use the headset with the charging cable plugged in?

Just trying to eliminate or confirm the battery as the problem as to me it sounds power related somehow. Can't find any info regarding warning tones (other than battery related or muting) and nothing about the green LED flashing

If it doesn't then maybe replace the battery.

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