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Repair Guides for HP Desktops.

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Component got burn when I power the PC

Hello, I have HP Compaq 6300 pro Microtower that was not in use for more than a year and last week, I try to use it again.

When I power it, I hear a weird sound and I realize a particular component was burning. I off the pc immediately but the component fell See the picture attached.

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

Block Image

The part circle red is where the component was (Label: PR276)

The part circle Yellow is an example of the same component

The missing component is close to the processor.

What should I do. I know a little about soldering and have try some on radios and TVs before. Anyone can give me the value for that component so I can replace it. Thank you

Update (08/01/2022)


Please check the attached photo to see if that is the Motherboard S/N.

Block Image

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Before we replace your components we need to find a schematic for your board so that we can make sure that nothing else has been damaged near it as it’s right beside the cpu and it’s quite sensitive to things like this

As for finding a schematic you can find them online if you look up your board number or model number and the schematic will tell you what the components are by typing in the code beside them (in your case it’s PR276)

We just need to check so we can make sure we fix the issue for good

If you need any help I can try my best

But hopefully this helps


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Hi there,

Thanks for the reply, here is the details of the PC:

HP Compaq 6300 Pro, SFF Chassis 690364-001

I've search online all day looking for that schematic diagram but nothing. In case you know a site that can help please provide or if you can find it for me.

Thank you.


What is the model number of the motherboard as printed on the board itself?

Try searching for the "(insert motherboard number) schematic" and check.

I looked online earlier but couldn't see the number on any images posted for replacement boards as they were too small or too blurry to discern even when zoomed in.

BTW what have you got? In the question you said HP 6300 pro microtower but in the comment above you stated 6300 pro SFF.

The number you posted is a HP part number.

The HP motherboard part number according to the 6300 pro MT/SFF manual is 657239-001 for the MT and 657239-001 for the SFF. This is not the "board number". Also most likely the board is not made by HP.


as @jayeff has said we need the number on the board

you can usually find schematics on places like badcaps.net

Hi, I have updated the post with the S/N picture found on the board.

I try searching for the diagram but no result. Please which one on the picture is the serial number?

Thank you


It’s not the serial we need it’s the Board number

It’s usually a string of numbers

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