HP Stream Laptop 14-ax0Xx cannot detect my wifi network

I upgraded my router and now my laptop cannot detect my network. I have just reset it to factory settings but this did not fix the issue. It connects if I use my phone as a hot spot but will not bring up my network name if I am not using the hotspot.

I reset the router, my computer, updated and reloaded drivers and devices and even reset the whole laptop to factory settings. I contacted my service provider who did all they could but could not resolve the issue.

Even if the laptop is beside the router it will not find it.

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Hi @laura_rose

Can your mobile phone detect your WiFi network OK?

Can the laptop detect any other WiFi networks OK?

Is your router's WiFi 5GHz or 2.4GHz or both?

Make sure that 2.4GHz is enabled in the router if your laptop doesn't receive 5GHz.

What is the make/model number of the router?

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