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Xbox One controller was introduced in 2016 with the launch of the Xbox One S and adds Bluetooth support for Windows 10/11. This controller fixes many of the design flaws found on the Model 1537/1697 controllers and is much more reliable. This controller has been replaced with the improved Model 1914 controller.

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Fixing Micro USB-Port without replacing/soldering

Hi there! I have an Xbox Controller with a not reliably working Micro USB Port. If I push the inserted connector of the cable up, the controller loses connection. If The cable is inserted normally without touching, the controller works 100% fine.

This is an common issue on the xbox controllers and I know how to replace the port. The thing is, I am getting to tired of completely desoldering the port, getting angry if I accidentally strip traces, repairing the traces and soldering on a new one port. It is a minor issue and the port works , if connected "properly. The issue is somewhere in the connection between the port and the plug. Do you know a way to fix it without replacing the whole port? Disassembling the controller is not a problem at all.

Thank you

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Port will either need replaced or re soldered. If you keep charging it the way it is you’ll end up ripping pads off the board.

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