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Laptop screen is cracked

The screen on my laptop has a spidering crack on it, thanks to me stepping on the laptop at night. I have taken it to shops that provide computer repairs and they can't seem to help since it is a flexpad. I took it to Best Buy geeksquad and they told me it would be roughly $400 to repair and not worth it. Thoughts? Computer is practically new and in great shape other than the screen.

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Hi Gaity Rizvi,

A replacement screen looks to be around $120 off Amazon, I can't find one in iFixits US store.
You'll also need the proper tools to replace the screen, which is possible for most people given time and care.

Here is a link to a replacement screen on Amazon.

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Gaity Rizvi granted, it is not going to be cheap since the screen is somewhere in the USD $120 range but I would have no hesitation recommending that you fix this yourself. Download the maintenance manual from here Page 52 are the LCD module instructions. Look through it and see if you are up for it.

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