PC booting Windows but monitor shows no signal
Today when i booted my pc it started just normal but my monitor has no signal, windows is working fine because when i connect an usb device it makes a sound, headphones, mouse, keyboard and case fans are all lit up and working. Monitor seems to be working fine on my laptop.
I built this pc last week and it was working normal until today, i didn’t make any changes to it
좋은 질문입니까?
More information is needed to help you.
Make and model number of motherboard.
Make and model number of CPU (integrated graphics?)
Make and model number of GPU card (if applicable)
What OS is installed, Win 10, Win 11 etc?
can you get into BIOS OK with a display?
Do you get a display when starting in safe mode?
What have you tried, besides proving that the monitor ( and video cable HDMI, DP etc?) is OK?
jayeff 의
i’m using a Biostar B560MX-E pro motherboard with an intel i5-11400, no gpu, windows 10
nothing shows on the screen at all, my monitor displays “no signal” all the time
i tried disconnecting all the cables and turning on the pc again but no luck
should i reset the cmos battery?
aline 의
You could try resetting the CMOS but normally a corrupted BIOS affects how it starts not just the video.
Did you try to get into BIOS? Press Del a few times after startup before it boots into windows. you have to be quick. If it starts to load, force stop the booting process by holding the PC power button until it shuts down and then try again
if you get a display and if you have the Win 10 installation media try safe mode - method 3 (Start up Repair - NOT "Command prompt" as shown) to repair Windows
jayeff 의
for some reason my keyboard never works before windows is booted, once i get home i’ll try to turn it on again and get to the BIOS
my monitor stays without signal like i never turned the pc on
aline 의
You mightn't get a chance to get into BIOS as most probably "fast Startup" is enabled in Win 10. The PC nearly boots straight into Windows and this doesn't leave the time that used to be there between the end of POST and boot up to get into BIOS
Check if the vga debug LED on the motherboard is still lit up after the PC boots up see p.19 of the user manual
You may have to disconnect the C: drive (SSD/HDD?) from the motherboard so that it can't boot into the OS and so you can get into BIOS
jayeff 의