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2012년 10월 23일에 출시되었습니다. Core i5 또는 Core i7 프로세서. Apple Fusion 드라이브.

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How do I determine my Mac Mini Model Number?

I have a Late 2012 Mac mini that I want to upgrade the hard drive.

The iFixit order page is requiring a Model Number (like A1227).

How do I find or determine this model number

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I’ve fix your equipment choice. Click on it to select the guides and parts info.

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Apple has a few different ways to identify your Mac mini. I'll link the article here, but the spark notes of it are that you should be able to find the information about your machine if you click the Apple icon in the upper lefthand corner and under About This Mac. If the machine can't boot, then you're going to want to use the serial number that is printed on the bottom of your machine along with Apple's Service and Support Tool.

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Also, if you want upgrade suggestions definitely take a look at the Dual Hard Drive Kit that iFixit offers. Installing Mac Mini Late 2012 Dual Hard Drive Kit

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You may download Mactracker. This free software gives complete specs of all Apple products.

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Plus one on using a Mactracker app - you can find it on the Mac App Store.

Then just launch it and select This Mac on the sidebar:

Block Image

Then just double click your Mac model on the right side and you’ll be able to see the model number:

Block Image

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