Motor is making a Wha Wha Wha noise

The noise is definitely coming from the motor and the frequency of the wha wha noise increases with increased fan speed.

Is there a replacement motor available?

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I also have this issue and it seems to be a motor starting to fail. Unfortunately I can't locate a replacement motor for a perfectly good unit. I, not thinking they wouldn't have replacement parts have left mine on high for a year to help with our extremely poor air quality with forest fires. 😢

@fisherofmen and Mike Stout have you checked to see if this is not a fan issue? Any build up of any "debris" on it? I am really sorry to hear about your forest fires....

Yes, I've completely disassembled the unit to the fan to clean it and check the fan for damage or unbalance.

@Mike Stout

Post an image of the compliance plate that is on the motor. Perhaps that may help to find a replacement.

Here's how 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기 is done in ifixit

Also, if you haven't already done so, try and contact Winix and ask if replacements are even available

Mines doing the same thing, I tried getting some lithium into the bearings but I think they may be sealed as pushing it into the shaft space didn't seem to do anything

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