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Repair information for the Asus TUF Gaming laptop series.

111 질문 전체 보기

Where is the CR-2032 battery in the ASUS TUF506IH?

Trying 2 reset CMOS. Laptop has a password protection on startup, no startup key combination works to bypass it. BIOS is inaccessible but maybe if I take out the battery it will reset the CMOS? Or is there another way to reset it?

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Hi @mbamsey,

BIOS administrator passwords are no longer being able to be reset by removing the battery or the CMOS battery if the laptop has one. At best this only resets the BIOS back to its default settings and doesn't reset the password

This is a security measure put in place by most of the PC makers to protect the owner of the laptop.

There are various methods that "may" work (some apparently do, some don't) when you search online.

Here's just one

If no good you may have to search online for others and check if they work.

If still no good contact Asus support

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